My best baby advice will save you sleep and frustration in the middle of the night.
Double make the bed.
You heard that right. Double make it.
What does it mean to double make a bed?
It means you put on a waterproof mattress pad cover, a sheet, a second waterproof mattress pad cover, and a second sheet on the mattress.
Why should you do this?
Kids inevitably have a diaper blow out, throw up, spit up, or pee in the bed during the middle of the night. The reason we double make the bed is so when one of those things happen, and the sheets need to be changed in the middle of the night, all we have to do is rip off the top sheet & top mattress pad. This helps get the kids back in bed (and hopefully asleep) as soon as possible. Unless of course, they’ve had a bigger accident. Then you need to wipe them down before putting them back to bed.
We also keep double making the bed when our kids switch over to a toddler bed or a regular sized bed. It’s not only adults that get back pain from having a bad mattress, so another thing you’ll need to do to make sure they sleep well at this age is get them the right mattress. A Sleep Number is one option which looks pretty promising, as you can inflate and deflate them to suit your needs. They fit protectors and sheets easily too, so you can still double make the bed.
I should also note that if I’m feeling especially lazy on a Sunday (which is our laundry day for sheets), we’ll just rip the top layer off so the kids have clean sheets. Then I pray no one gets sick or has an accident until I get a clean double layer of sheets back on the bed.
What’s your best baby advice?
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LOVE IT!!! Very very smart. 🙂
OH MY GOSH! You just blew my mind girl! My son is a DEEEP sleeper, and he wets the bed every couple of months or so. I'm totally using this!