So in my quest to blog for 31 days about how I juggle it all, I have to be totally honest and say that there is no way I could do what I do without the awesome support of Matt. I could not do any of it without him.
He’s always been a huge help in whatever I choose to do and he makes taking care of 3 kids who are 5, 4, and 2 effortless. I’m actually a little jealous at times. Usually when I am ready to pull my hair out, he’s the one who remains totally calm, cool, and collected. It’s one of the many reasons I love him.
This past week he pulled all the weight in out house. I didn’t once empty or run the dishwasher or do any laundry but yet it all got done. He took care of everything from the minute he got home from work until the minute we put the girls to bed. He did it all in order to support me and allow me more time to sew. I am eternally grateful that he supports me.
A few weeks ago we had a conversation going on Twitter and I realized that I am one lucky woman. Does your significant other help around the house? What do they do?
Day 14
Even though I'm a sahm, my husband helps out a lot. We have three boys ages 7 to 2 and I'm running around with school drop off, pick up and a few activities for mommy like bible study and MOPS. He helps out with the dishes most evenings and helps me fold laundry while we watch tv after the boys go to bed. It's great to have a supportive spouse who also lets me ignore all my duties and be able to quilt or design jewelry because this momma needs a creative outlet 🙂