I always line my pans with foil. I don’t like washing pots and pans so I avoid it whenever I can.
This is a half of a cup of Panko bread crumbs. They are a bit crunchier than regular bread crumbs and are really what makes the recipe.
My sweet little helper measured out the quarter of a cup of Parmesan cheese.
She adds it to the Panko bread crumbs and then mixes it with a fork.
It’s important to break up any clumps of the Parmesan cheese so that it’ll all mix well.
This is what the mixture looks like after the salt and pepper are added to it.
Coat one side with olive oil and place into the bowl. Coat the side that is facing up with olive oil and then flip it over.
Once both sides are coated (and you can flip them back and forth a few times to cover them more), transfer them to the lined pan. If you look close you can see that there are parts of the chicken that the bread crumbs haven’t stuck to. After I get all the chicken on the pan, I take whatever bread crumbs are left and plop them on top of the chicken.
Now it’s more generously covered.
This is the finished product after 22 minutes in a 425* oven.
We have 2 very picky eaters and this recipe is always guaranteed to be eaten. I used to be able to make 3 breasts for all 5 of us but recently had to start making 4 because they eat so much of it.
I also cut the chicken into small pieces and make them as chicken nuggets.
- Preheat oven to 425*.
- Line a cookie sheet or jelly roll pan with aluminum foil (I am all about easy clean ups!).
- Place Panko breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese, 2 pinches of kosher salt and some pepper into a bowl or deep dish and mix with a fork.
- Coat olive oil on one side of your chicken breast and lay it face down in the bread crumb mixture.
- Coat the other side of chicken with olive oil and flip the breast over in the bread crumb mixture. Now both sides are coated.
- Remove from the chicken from the bowl and place it on the foil lined sheet. There’s no need to spray it with anything. The olive oil on the chicken will prevent it from sticking to the foil. If you’re worried you can drizzle some olive oil on the foil before you lay the chicken down.
- Repeat this until all the breasts are coated and on the pan.
- I then take the remaining bread crumbs and sprinkle them on top of the chicken to make sure there is extra coverage.
- Bake for 22 minutes. Your oven may take a little longer but it’s important to not over cook it. When I cut into chicken I like it to be just done so it still has a little juice to it. If you cook it too long it will be dry and your children may request ketchup. Believe me, I know.
- Let the chicken sit on the pan for about 3-5 minutes so it can seal in all the juices before cutting into it.
- Enjoy!
This looks so good and so easy to make, Kristina!! Are you able to make a pin to this so I can pin to pinterest? Or do you not want your items from your blog pinned, since they have pictures of your girls?
That was from Christine, by the way.
Already pinned Christine! Let me know if you need help finding it on my board.
I make this, too! But I add onion and garlic powder to the parmesan/Panko mixture. Too cute they named this "favorite chicken."