I’ve mentioned on Facebook & Twitter that I was working on a top secret super sized project. I wasn’t at liberty to share what I was working on because it was a surprise from for the teachers at the girls’ preschool.
Our preschool is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week this week and as their gift from the school I made each teacher a purse based off of an Amy Butler pattern for the Frenchy bag. That’s 18 purses!
I started working on them back in February. And by working on them, I was washing, drying, ironing, and cutting fabric. Each purse has 14 pieces to it so just the cutting was time consuming. I was so glad that I decided to start them early! The preschool was more than willing to get me the materials as soon as possible which was a tremendous help.
Spring is a busy time for me, personally and for the shop. So it wasn’t until after Kate’s birthday party in the middle of March that I actually started sewing all the pieces together. I went with an assembly line method and did the same pieces at the same time.
I was finished with all the purses on Saturday night, which was great because it wasn’t last minute. All the teachers were given their purses this afternoon at a luncheon in their honor. I’ve heard that they were very happy – which makes me feel good. Every time I make something, EVERY SINGLE TIME, I worry that the recipient won’t like it. Here are a few more pictures:
Just a disclaimer: the preschool provided all the supplies… I just provided the sewing. :).
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They are beautiful. What a sweet gift…you are very thoughtful.
Thanks so much! I was more than happy to do it when they asked.