On Thursday night I had the opportunity to attend a post partum support group. My new friends Meghan and Melissa told me about it and my first instinct was to go.
Although I had received counseling for a short time for my post partum mood disorders, I had never attended a support group before. I was a little nervous.
As I drove to the hospital I started to doubt whether or not I should go. I feel recovered and healed from the diagnosis’s I received 6 years ago. But as I turned into the parking lot I saw that the very first parking space was free. I think that was a message that it was the right place for me to be.
I walked in to an already started meeting and began listening to women describe their experiences, feelings, and emotions. It felt like coming home.
It felt amazing.
I am in awe of the strength of the women who attend and share their feelings and situations. Six years ago I couldn’t even find a therapist in our area who specialized in perinatal mood disorders, let alone a support group. During my recovery, I shared my experiences online through a Twitter chat. It was easy to share online where no one knew you and you didn’t have to see anyone else.
I’m hoping that these wonderful women will be open to me coming back again and again.
It’s humbling to remember how far I’ve come in this journey and I can’t wait to watch as these women do the same.
P.S. If anyone is local and interested in attending, please send me an email so I can give you the information. They meet three times a month!
We were so blessed to have you there to share your wisdom, experience, and advice. Thank you!
I LOVED going and can't wait to go again!
Are you going to the group to help the moms currently dealing with PPD? That is so great. I wonder if I could do that where I live.
JD, I went originally because I was so amazed that such a group exists now. I'll definitely go back. I always looked for stories of hope and success as my support so hopefully I can be that for someone else. Look for a group in your area!