Today I am going to be linking up to my friends Katie (Sluiter Nation) & Miranda (Not Super…Just Mom) for their week of blogging. Every day they’ll be having different topics. Today is Meet Me Monday.
If you are already reading my blog you probably know me, or about me. I don’t have a lot of readers yet. However, if you don’t, feel free to read my first post which tells how I came to love sewing.
Today I thought I’d write some random facts about me and who I am.
- I have super curly hair – hence the name of my blog. I didn’t like it until I hit my 20s. Since then I’ve loved it.
- I always knew I’d have my children close in age. Currently they are 3, 2, and 8 months.
- I avoid cleaning my house (much to my mother’s disappointment).
- I love salty foods and I love sweet foods but don’t like them mixed together. For example, I don’t like chocolate covered pretzels or strawberries.
- I have recently started running and actually love it.
- My favorite color is blue.
- I have an analytical mind. I love all things science and math.
- I am slightly addicted to puzzles. I love finding new kinds to do and mastering them. It borders on obsessive.
- I met my husband, Matt, in a bar at Happy Hour. It took us 3 weeks to go on our first date but when we did, I knew I would marry him.
- I am the first person in my family to graduate from college (although I attended 3 schools before I did!).
- Every room in my house has green in it.
- I had some OCD issues until I had our 3rd child. Now I don’t have time to be obsessive. Matt is thrilled about this because now the light switches can go any which way (for the most part).
- I love to be home. This is very different from how I was when I was younger. I used to be much more extroverted. Now? Not so much.
- I love to read, but don’t do it as often as I’d like.
- I could spend all day looking at fabric.
That’s about it. Nothing too earth shattering. I doubt my mom will even learn anything new here. Keep checking back. I’ll have lots of new updates this week – even in the shop!
Cute list! My husband and I were addicted to puzzles for a time as well. We were always in search for a new Ravensburger. Miss those days!
Thanks, Elena! I've heard great things about Ravensburger. I'm mostly addicted to word & number puzzles. I've heard that Ravensburger has great kids' puzzles too.
I TOTALLY know what you mean about loving to stay home! I used to be a go out all the time kind of gal. Now? I am sort of a homebody.
Also? My hubs has super curly hair and now my little guy does too. It is the CUTEST thing ever.
So now I am jealous of your hair 🙂
We are very much alike, you and I. Except I'm convinced that chocolate covered anything is the best way to eat anything.