If you know me in “real life” you’ll know that I don’t often say a disparaging word about my kids. I love nothing more than being their mama and being able to teach them and watch them grow.
That said, the beginning of the school year is when I go through the most growing pains.
We were so ready to go back to school: We thrive on schedule and routine. We like learning and seeing friends. As happy as we all are to get back to a routine, the transition is rough for all of us. The kids are so stinkin’ tired! This makes them cry and tired crying is a huge trigger for me.
For the first few weeks, the kids come home completely exhausted. And I don’t just mean the normal tired. I’m talking the I’m too tired to get out of the car by myself after school, the I’m getting my jammies on at 3:45pm, and the throwing myself on the floor when it’s dinner time kind of tired.
They’re getting plenty of sleep (going to bed by 7 pm and up at 7 am for a school start time of 8:30 am).
The transition is exhausting for them. They have difficulty handling it. Which leads to the biggest problem: So do I.
Their exhaustion can lead to magnitudes of meltdowns on some night and none on other nights. It is so hard for me to remember to be patient with them. They’re getting used to being back in the school routine. The good things is that I can recognize what makes me annoyed with them (because yes, I get annoyed at them).
So this morning I took my hot coffee and laptop and headed to Barnes and Noble to work. It is quiet and I am not surrounded by all the housework I should be doing. I’m sitting in a comfy arm chair with some music playing in my ears. I visited https://www.mitrascience.com/ too as I wanted to find out more about Kratom; it’s supposed to be the latest herbal remedy for exhaustion, which could be the answer to my prayers!
The best way to reset myself is to do something for myself.
Who has an easier time adjusting to the back to school schedule: you or your kids?
We work SO much better on a schedule, but you're right…getting there is such an adjustment!!