Does it shine? After a day of serious coffee drinking my coffee pot looks hideous. Please tell me I am not the only one? Please?
I use an old waitressing trick to get it to sparkle. You see, I worked at this restaurant forever. Well, more like 10 years, but most days it felt like forever. Anyway, we used to clean our coffee pots at the end of the night and I was always amazed at how they sparkled. I thought on behalf of all the dull coffee pots in the world, I’d share how we did it.
Fill up your coffee pot halfway with ice cubes. Pour in a ton of salt. Seriously, like 1/4 cup or so. I eyeball it. I usually use regular salt but I would bet kosher salt would work great too since it’s more coarse. Grab your pot by the handle and share it around from side to side. The ice cubes will melt the tiniest bit and will cause the salt to rub the sides of the pot clean. After about a minute, dump it all in the sink and wash your coffee pot with warm water and soap.
Voila! A sparkly coffee pot! Go give it a try and then come back and let me know how it worked.