Today I am 41. I love my birthday and look forward to it every year. In a family that shares almost everything, it’s a day that belongs to just me.
Last year as I turned 40 I decided to do things that I was afraid to do. I wanted to not just dream big things, but do them, as well.
I ran a 10 mile race.
I became certified as a parent educator.
I taught parenting classes.
I took tennis lessons.
I went away on my first trip without kids.
I learned to say NO to people.
I practiced self-care.
This year I want my motto to be BELIEVE.
I often have to beat down the voice in the back of my head that tells me that I can’t do things. Do you have that voice too? You know, the one who says, “What are you thinking? You can’t do that!”
But I found that as I beat down that voice, I can also hear another voice behind it. It’s the voice that says, “Go for it!” “You’ve got this!” “You are more than capable!”
I like that voice. I don’t listen to it enough.
This year I will resolve to challenge myself. I don’t like living outside of my comfort zone but that’s the only place where I will grow – as a person, a mother, and a wife.
What do you want to do?